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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

In the News...

It seems even in Japan, that there will always be trouble between the heavy handed tactics of the police and rights of homeless people. About 8 or 9 thousand of Japan's homeless live in Osaka, and there were clashes between them and the police after they were forcibly evicted from two parks. Full story below -

Homeless people resisting eviction from two parks in Japan's western city of Osaka have clashed with police.City authorities want to clear the homeless people's tents as the parks are to host a world rose convention and an urban greenery event.

City officials said eviction notices were served last October but had not been heeded. Eighteen people have filed lawsuits to contest the order.About a third of Japan's estimated 25,000 homeless are based in Osaka

.Officials succeeded in removing all the tents at Osakjo Park, but the homeless and their supporters were locked in a tense stand-off with police at Utsubo Park.TV footage showed police, guards and city workers pushing and shoving with homeless people and their supporters in one of the parks.

More than 750 city employees, guards and transport workers had been sent to dismantle 28 tent homes in the two parks, city official Takeshi Yamane said. Another 350 police had been dispatched to assist in the eviction, Kyodo news agency reported."We've been asking them to move to self-support centres all along," Mr Yamane said.

The number of homeless people in Japan has risen sharply over the past 15 years, partly fuelled by the country's economic downturn.Many homeless people live in neat, well-kept shelters in parks, under bridges or along river banks.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Christmas in England!

So, I've finally gotten around to putting up some photos of my time in England.

Thanks again to everybody...Mum and Dad made a stonkin' dinner. Kelly and Grant made a really cool Boxing day buffet. It was good to see everyone...

Dad steals some Xmas food...

Will and his Grandad!

Choo Choo!

John was never the same after he tried sake...

Is there a DR. the house ?

Where's our dinner ?!?!

Winter Sunset...UK style

Taking a pic of me taking a pic of you

John gets confused at the simplest of things

Where did you get that hat ?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Best of Friends

Don't worry peeps. These two guys are the best of friends! Gohan (Japanese for meal and rice) the hamster was offered up as lunch to this snake at Tokyo zoo. However the snake refused to eat him, and the two have become firm friends...

Read the full story here ->

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bowled over

So Sunday night was round 1 of the NOVA boys v NOVA girls competition that had been gaining heat all week. Sledging was as rampant from us boys, as it is in an England/Aussie Test Match, with such belters as "You're going so far down you'll end up in Australia" and "Down like frown".

Sadly I forgot to take my camera to this illustrious sporting occassion, which was a shame as the girls team had matching T-shirts (they each had a nickname on the back). The boys team or the "God Squad" consisted of J.Christ (myself), Buddha (Derrick), Moses (Jason) and Monomed (this was supposed to be Mohammed but the wonderful Japanese guy spelt it in comical fashion, and this was Evan). We played against the Girls team NOVA of Suzette, Jen, Yuka and Yukiko.

Things started well for us lads, winning the first game, but after that it ALL fell apart. We lost 2-1, and never had the consistency of the girls team. After 3 games my score was a mediocre 271, but did include 5 strikes and 6 I said INCONSISTENCY....

Ah well there is always next time!!!!!

Great Fun though!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

In the words of Elton John "I'm still standing..."

Yes, I am still here.

It's been a rather uneventful week. The school has had mixed days (from quiet to hectic), and things have generally been rather slow.

To be fair, there isn't much news to report. Jason is going back to the States for a holiday, which has narked Suzette (as it's the same week she wanted to go back for her Mum's birthday); I had dinner with Evan last night, and ate Oysters (they were really quite nice. Soft and a little fishy)' and I think we are all going bowling at the weekend which should be a laugh.

I hope to write something more substantial and profound next week.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Why are things never simple ?

I have been back in Japan for one week and already there have been some interesting developments here. Firstly, my adjustment to living on my own again has been the least of my problems. It's a little strange to be in this appartment by myself, and to be honest I wouldn't want to share it with a new teacher (he could be an arsehole). In fact, I quiet like it. Evan has been over twice, and I went out to dinner with Derrick and Suzette on Sunday. So, it's not like I am alone.

Secondly, do I only attract women with issues and boyfriends ? Yes, Justin picks another one that is otherwise engaged. Good call! However, don't worry peeps, I am not too down over this. In fact, I was barely disappointed. Maybe she has cute single friends...I know I have a lot to offer, so I am not worrying. Friends are good.

Thirdly, I have an official bad comment on my records at NOVA. Yippee! Before I came home I had to travel into Hiroshima on short notice to get my re-entry stamp. So I went into work with 2 day stubble. Tiso, a block trainer (and above Derrick) was in and ticked me off. Now usually my appearance is impeccable, even she said so. Naturally I thought this was done and dusted...No way Jose...official complaint...BIATCH...

Derrick, my AT and friend is leaving at the end of this month. It was a shock when he told us on Sunday night, but he's been at NOVA for three years, and is going to teach Kindergarten in Kure. I am dreading a new AT who may live with me. CRAP. Moving out may be an option.

The other is moving on...

I have considered this carefully this week. Maybe moving to GEOS (click the link on the side of the page). At least I could stay in Japan. Then there is always Korea. There are teaching opportunities there. I have also considered coming back to the UK, getting a TEFL and teaching in Europe. I don't know...

Anyway, my best friend at the moment is time...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Return from Mighty Blighty

Around 8pm yesterday evening, I finally made it back to the front door of my flat in Saijo after a gargantuan journey that Philleaus Fogg would have been proud of. I made it home, safe and sound (although a little grubby and tired) after spending Christmas and the New Year with my folks back in Weston super Mare in the UK.

Firstly, I would like to thank my Mum and Dad for an enjoyable and yet (another) eventful Christmas. There are things I miss, that I didn't really consider until I came home and then they smacked me in the face. Thanks for all the excellent English grub, and Christmas dinner was a treat.

I spent some time with my Brother and Sister in Law. It was good to see them both, although I could have done without the mammoth journey to Huddersfield! We had a movie marathon, something that is becoming a tradition when myself and my brother get together (this time Narnia and King Kong).

I want to apologise to all those people that I didn't get to see, or failed to hang out with. Two weeks seemed such a short time, especially over the festive period.

As for the journey back...well I had some wanker in a cap (do all arseholes wear baseball caps ?) who had his seat fully reclined the whole 13 hours, leaving me with little room. Muppet. Anyway I slept, watched Mr and Mrs Smith, Madagascar and Skeleton Key, then read a little.

Well I am back now, so on with the Great Japanese adventure...

Evan has already moved out. Its quiet and a little wierd...