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Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Adventure begins...

It finally came.

Another letter.

Another significant step in my life.

Another amazing moment.


My provisional depature date for the great Japanese Adventure.

It's like my whole life has led to that date. A moment that will add another layer to my life. Moments like this are etched in the human soul. Its a moment that I intend to embrace. All my worries and inhibitions seemed to have fallen from me, like shackles around the feet of a life serving chain gang member. How apt, that I am off to the Land of the Rising Sun. A new dawn.

All I know is going to be left behind. Only myself on an open road in a brand new country; a brand new job. I feel like crying. Opening myself up and thanking God, my parents, my brother, and anybody else who had faith in me. I do this for you. Your love and belief in me has made this possible. Many times I would have fallen by the wayside, and those I have mentioned have picked me up, dusted me down and with all the love in their hearts, guided me in the right direction.

This is probably the most honest post, so far on this blog. I don't know whether this is due to the alcohol, excitment or overwhelming feeling of graciousness that I feel. I would like to say THANK YOU to the following people in true rockstar/album cover stylee....

Mum and Dad, Kelly (our kid!), Grant, Daniel, William, John (my brother, in blood AND soul), Bethany, Chris, Duncan, God for offering me this chance and for making me live my life in the best way, Sam (my other sister), Yousef, Kath, Theresa, Kelly, Alex and all at the WGH! Mark (for the recent fun! 3 Amigos!!!), my Gran Trowbridge, Nathan, and anyone else I've forgotten.

Thanks for reading this.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Proper Post

So here I am. In work. A little bored, by the endless pile of notes and bits of paper. There are plenty of menial tasks I could distract myself with, but I thought I'd better post on this blog, as it's been a week.

First up, still no news from NOVA. If there is no envelope waiting for me when I get home then it will mean a phone call tomorrow. I don't want to be a pain, but it's getting a bit close to the wire for my liking.

Secondly, good news on the "suits" front. I managed to acquire ALL of my suits for my new job, as well as enough "work" shirts. This has hit my bank balance for six, and forced me to get behind on the rent, but I feel as if I have achieved something, no matter how trivial.

It's getting close.

The adventure starts soon.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Getting to the "Root" of the problem

Well, well, well...

And I thought the end of my dental trilogy was in sight. At the tips of my fingers. But, alas, No. After much drilling, scraping, drilling, etc, my dentist, Mr. Letham (who in actual fact is a year younger than myself, that only reinforces my feelings of getting old!) told me that it wouldn't stop bleeding, hence an infection. So another temporary filling doused in antibiotics and an appointment in May. Bloody Hell!

All this talk and thinking of dentists, made me wonder about dentists in Japan. Well, it's quite a worry! Check the link below!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

No News is Bad News

Fed up with waiting around, I decided to ring NOVA from work on Monday. This proved to be more hassle than it would seem to be, as the ancient machine at work, has trouble connecting to websites that contain Flash. However I managed to find the office number, via this blog...Thank goodness for blogger!!!

I spoke to a rather helpful, Australian woman in the office called Amanda, who claimed that my "file" was in order and that they were waiting on a "Certificate of Eligibilty" that would allow me to enter Japan. I should be hearing from them in about a week and a half. So (aching) fingers crossed!

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Teeth 2 - The return of the Enamel


Sorry, that I've not been posting, but there has been little to report. I'm still waiting like a lemon in a bus queue for the lovely people at NOVA to contact me regarding my VISA, and my preparations continue to trudge very slowly forward!

Thought about all the things I'm gonna miss the other day; UK chocolate, Bacon, Jacket Potatoes, Marmite, British comedy, British music, my friends including Duncan, Chris, Sam, my work collegues, my family, football!

What I have "enjoyed" these last two weeks, and next week, is a frightening trilogy of visits to the Dentist to correct my teeth. Started off nicely with a fissure sealant, followed by a couple of fillings and the big one next week; ROOT SURGERY!!!!! ARGHHH!