A very bad cold indeed, the mystery of Thanksgiving and getting back in the saddle...
Well, I know I have not been very productive with my blog lately, so here is an extended update of whats been happening...
Firstly, I apologise if you found my last post a little depressing. It was the way I was feeling and I thought I needed to be honest about the way I felt. But, I am not one to dwell in the past, so I try to move forwards like the steady increase of time and age.
I have had a shit cold all week. Its now all flemy and is in my throat causing me to cough constantly. It's a pain in the arse, but it hasn't stopped me doing too much, and I've avoided the dreaded Man Flu. I have had to take tissues and water into the lessons though, much to the amusement of my students...
Tonight, Jen and Suzette had a Thanksgiving party at their place. Everyone went, except me and Evan. We stuffed ourselves on Pasta and Pizza with one of our Japanese friends, Takuya. To be honest I just don't get the idea and importance of Thanksgiving. Yes, we are Americans, so lets celebrate killing the indigenous people of our fair green country...
And who needs two massive Turkey Dinners a month apart...ONLY IN AMERICA!!!
As for me, I am doing (cold apart) okay. Not willing to sit around brooding for another 12 months waiting for an attractive lass to fall into my lap, I took the proverbial bull by the horns and asked a Japanese female acquantence of Evan's out on a date (well for dinner). Those of you who follow my blog will remember the time I thought I was being set up by Evan, well it was one of these girls (the better looking one in my opinion). Noriko. We met in Hiroshima last Thursday, went for dinner, got on really well and I'm meeting her next Wednesday, most likely to watch Harry Potter 4.
At least I'm not sitting on my arse moping!!!
J x