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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Speak correctly!

I had my second 80 minute Voice session yesterday.

Voice for those of you who don't know, is a session where students of mixed abilities can talk on various topics that have been intiated by them or the instructor. God, I sound like a bit of a Corparate puppet there. MMM, need more coffee. Anyway, I really like Voice because I believe it is a strange cross between chatting, stand up comedy and lecturing.

I have a had few single Voice sessions, the last one being on Sunday, where it was just me and one student called Emiko for 30 minutes. Ahhhhh Emiko..................Right, (ahem) where was I ? Yes, Voice. So I usually end up talking about the UK, but I did run a fun session on Movies (it was based around genres and was more game based) and two weeks ago, spoke about pubs for 40 minutes.

However we also have Special Voice, which is two sessions and requires more preparation on our part. My first one of these was a few weeks ago and centred around me (it's called a Welcome voice) and so I spoke about the UK, London, Weston and me and my family (in that order).

Yesterday, I launched into a topic that has been prevelant since I arrived here, and has been more apparent than when I was at home. American English v British English. Now, as you may be aware I have bumped into a fair few Americans over here, all of which seem to be either fascinated by, or amused by my spoken English. This wouldn't be two bad, if there was just one American, but no, they seem to congregate in pairs (or maybe more). So my Voice session yesterday was about the differences in the languages. Even the NOVA textbooks we use, are written in American English...God damn it!


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