Singin' in the rain and Kinder (Surprise)
Well it hasn't stopped raining here for 4 days now. Actually the clouds may have taken a pause for breath before deciding to empty their contents with spiteful venom.
I quite like it.
As the token Brit at NOVA in Saijo, the rain has bought back warm fuzzy feelings of the Mother Country. I managed to acquire an Umbrella, which was a "spare" at work, and it's a rather neutral clear plastic. Well, it was either this or a pink NOVA umbrella, which unfourtunatley didn't go with my suit.
The weather has also bought out my gut feelings, that Jason from America is a bit of an idiot. He turned up for work on Saturday SOAKING from head to toe with a huge stain down his back. To be fair to him the rain here is bloody vicious, but even so, why did he not buy a coat or umbrella the day before ? Or wear a bin liner over his clothes ? Or wear an old T shirt to work and pack his work shirt and towel in a couple of carrier bags ?
Also the rain seemed to put a kibosh on any plans we had this weekend for Karaoke. Which was a bummer. But there is always another time, plus me and Evan have talked about having a party here in our appartment which should be good. Watch this space.
Ah, yes, I also had my first Kinder lesson on Saturday. They kept climbing all over me, with one little Japanese girl who kept hugging me. Another older Kinder boy, named Junya, was a little s***! He punched the weakest kid in the class, stole another kid's sock and tried to put a bug in someones hair. Don't worry, I dealt out the discipline, I raised my voice slightly when he picked on the weakest kid, and waggled my finger. I also got to my feet (to make myself bigger) and isolated him (so it was just me and him). I kept my voice calm, but firm and after that he was pretty much well behaved ( I mean he is only 5, so I expect a short attention span and throwing himself off chairs).
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