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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Lazy Days, the wonders of the internet and Mobile


My first " week" of teaching. Okay, so I haven't done a full week, but Wednesday and Thursday are my "weekends", so I can gloat in silent admiration at my minor achivement. So far the work at the Saijo branch has been fun, and the topics and levels I have taught have varied. Today for example I have overseen an interesting "discussion" on crime and punishment (not the novel), talked about making scrambled eggs and taught a whole lesson on supersitions.

As for the staff at NOVA Saijo, here is my brief analysis.

DEREK - My boss. Younger than me, laid back, yet focused. I suppose I could do a lot worse. Has a good sense of humour, although I must remember he is my boss.

JASON - The "other new guy". I like him, despite his Americaness, and total naivity. Sometimes gets carried away about talking about himself....but he is an American. Apparrently lives on a diet of Cola, Miso soup and pancake mix...weird shite...

EVAN - Flatmate from Canada. Laid back and honest. A sound bloke. Easily likeable if a tad quiet and sometimes distant. I do like the guy though.

STEPHEN - My other flatmate. Aussie, moving out in July. A nice guy although his brash Aussie views on race sometimes annoy me. I keep this to myself. Has a good Australian sense of humour though.

BETH - Quiet, hippie type. Very affable, and like Evan can keep herself to herself. Pretty, modest and sweet.

ERICA - Another American. I haven't made my mind up on her yet. On one level seems totally fake, on the other seems okay. Thinks she looks like Brittney Spears; I think she looks like Lyndsey Davenport. Can be very rude.

I love the fact that I have the internet in my appartment. It is cool. Not only can I keep in touch with my family and friends via email and my blog, I can download the latest Doctor Who episodes. Guys, at home, don't worry. I have download Boom Town AND Bad Wolf, so am up to date and waiting the season finale.....EXTERMINATE!

I have to pick my mobile up tomorrow. It is groovy. At least you guys in England will be able to call me then, if you like.....

I'll let you know the number...

Right I am knackered. It's 2:30 here. Evan is out...probably with his girlfriend. At least I have tomorrow off!!!!!



At 9:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should be proud of yourself, well done!!!! Like the psycho analysis on your flatmates and colleagues. You will probably find that they change again over the next few weeks as they settle in and relax and let their guards down to reveal their true personalities. Those pancakes look very tasty -yum yum! I can see you'll be munching quite a few of them. Glad you're catching The Dr - cool! Looking forward to your next post. Love Bethany 'sister-in-law' Buckley x


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