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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Probably the most annoying person in the World.

So, its Sunday in the AM here in lovely Saijo and its about the mid to high twenties already. I have to go to work soon, so I thought I'd post a quick entry about what I have been up to recently.

On Thursday, my day off no less, I had to travel to Okayama (AGAIN!) for training. This time it was just follow up training from my first NOVA training period in Hiroshima. Luckily it only lasted a day. This is for one reason and one reason only. An overweight, me-me-me-Oh-Look-at-me lass called Roxy. C'mon what kind of person calls their kid Roxy ? Perhaps her dad is an Elvis impersantor and her mum is some kind of trailer-park hooker....heck, I don't know.

Now, not only being given the burden of sitting next to this Jabba the Hutt wannabe, I also had the displeasure of being paired with her on EVERY task. Every chance she had she would interupt the lecture and procede to tell the entire group about HER NOVA experiences. SHUT THE FUDGE UP WOMAN. NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW....i felt like saying....but didn't....Or I felt like shoving my umbrella through her ears....ah violence eh ? I guess the Americans bring that out in ALL of us.....

Take care kids and remember to wash behind those ears!


At 12:02 pm, Blogger PirateKayle said...

Hey man Roxy is a decent name. my name is Kayle and whenever someone reads it they think I'm a guy cause my mum was stupid and didn't put an extra e at the end of it. Heck I'd almost prefer any name over Kayle. Except Bob that'd be a crap name for a girl like me. And secondly don't be hating on some lady just cause she's overwieght thats just mean and insensitive, although she sounds bloody fricking annoying and instead of saying fudge just say fuck it'll make you feel better. Oh and us Americans yeah some are violent but I guess it all depends on what American your talkin too.

At 12:05 am, Blogger Justin Buckley said...

Hey Kayle!

Don't go taking things the wrong way. I've nothing against overweight people. You can be skinny and annoying and I would have said a "skinny, annoying bint".

I'd already sworn too much, so fudge seemed like a decent alternative.

ROXY is an Awful name. PLEASE...Your name is kinda cool...


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