The Adventure begins...
It finally came.
Another letter.
Another significant step in my life.
Another amazing moment.
My provisional depature date for the great Japanese Adventure.
It's like my whole life has led to that date. A moment that will add another layer to my life. Moments like this are etched in the human soul. Its a moment that I intend to embrace. All my worries and inhibitions seemed to have fallen from me, like shackles around the feet of a life serving chain gang member. How apt, that I am off to the Land of the Rising Sun. A new dawn.
All I know is going to be left behind. Only myself on an open road in a brand new country; a brand new job. I feel like crying. Opening myself up and thanking God, my parents, my brother, and anybody else who had faith in me. I do this for you. Your love and belief in me has made this possible. Many times I would have fallen by the wayside, and those I have mentioned have picked me up, dusted me down and with all the love in their hearts, guided me in the right direction.
This is probably the most honest post, so far on this blog. I don't know whether this is due to the alcohol, excitment or overwhelming feeling of graciousness that I feel. I would like to say THANK YOU to the following people in true rockstar/album cover stylee....
Mum and Dad, Kelly (our kid!), Grant, Daniel, William, John (my brother, in blood AND soul), Bethany, Chris, Duncan, God for offering me this chance and for making me live my life in the best way, Sam (my other sister), Yousef, Kath, Theresa, Kelly, Alex and all at the WGH! Mark (for the recent fun! 3 Amigos!!!), my Gran Trowbridge, Nathan, and anyone else I've forgotten.
Thanks for reading this.