Shiori's Birthday and a trip to Kyoto

Kyoto Station.

This was the table at a Thai restaurant called Cabbages and Condoms...I'm hoping they weren't "used" condoms....

So for Shiori's birthday we travelled up to Kyoto. Taking the awesome, slow crawling Jumbo Ferry we had to be up at the crack of dawn...4am...ewww. Not being a big fan of slow rocking vomit inducing boats either, the only salvation was that I was able to grab shut eye on the ship and that my lovely Shiori was with me.
Stopping over in Kobe for a bit of brekkie, we then grabbed a train to Kyoto, which was only about an hour's trip.
In Kyoto we booked into our hotel, which was an inexpensive business hotel in the main city, and then headed out to Kiyomizu Dera. Kiyomizu is one of the most famous temples in Japan and always attracts throngs of visitors. Especially in Hanami season (cherry blossom season).
"The temple dates back to 798 but the present buildings were constructed in 1633. The temple takes its name from the waterfall within the complex, which runs off the nearby hills. KIYO MIZU literally means pure water."
Taken from
We also had dinner in a great restuarant called Kai, which was expensive but delicious and had plenty of fun in Round 1 where Shiori won 3 soft toys and a giant pillow!!!!
It was great to go back to Kyoto, and see a little more of the city instead of just its beautiful temples.
I just hope Shiori had a great birthday!!!!