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Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Back to a more serious news story with this post, and it concerns an issue that is close to my heart. I know this happened over a month ago, but I thought I would bring it to the attention of readers of this blog.

On 19th June, Japan won by one vote the first round of voting on the return to commericial whaling. The IWC met last month and pro whaling countries sadly gained a significant victory.


"Japan's Deputy Whaling Commissioner Joji Morishita said any future commercial whaling would be on a much smaller scale than in the past.

"It's not going back to the commercial whaling, it should be the beginning of sustainable whaling, plus protection of depleted and endangered species," he said"

More from that story -

Pro-whaling: Includes Japan, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Russia, Morocco, Cambodia

Anti-whaling: Includes UK, US, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, France, Spain, Germany, Israel

Also an interesting story from the Sydney Morning Herald -

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Shiori and me (with crazy hair!)

Shiori and cocktail!

Shiori and cocktail!
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Dinner! American style!

Dinner! American style!
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Back to the Future!

Back to the Future!
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Me and Shiori (during the queue for the Back to the Future ride)

Shiori and green beer!

Shiori and green beer!
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

I sip the Luck of the Oirish


Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

"I'm Singin' in the Rain"

"I'm Singin' in the Rain"
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Elmo and Bert...or is it Earnie...

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Seto Sea

Seto Sea
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Lovely Shiori

Lovely Shiori
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Yaki Niku

Yaki Niku
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Shiori cooks Yaki Niku

Shiori cooks Yaki Niku
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

4 day weekend

I have just had the pleasure of spending 4 days in the company of my lovely girlfriend, Shiori. This is due to accrued Shift Swaps from about 2 months ago (two days from Suzette) which allowed me to take Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday off.

During this time we visited Universal Studios Japan in Osaka and spent the day in the beautiful city of Kobe.


I caught the 10 o`clock bus from Hiroshima again and this time the journey didn`t seem so long. The passengers on the bus were a rather bizzare bunch ranging from a mother and here young baby, an elderly lady, a guy in his twenties and his young brother, a couple and myself.

Shiori was a little delayed at work so I grabbed a coffee when I arrived and waited.
She soon turned up looking as lovely as ever, so we headed off to Mos Burger for lunch.

After lunch we went to her place and packed one suitcase for our journey. I tend to overpack so my side was mainly clothes and my small washbag, hers was a hair straightener, the myraid of female toiletries and make up, and two changes of clothes.

For dinner we went to a really nice Yaki Niku place, which was delicious and suprisingly didn`t give me meat belly (my name for eating too much Yaki Niku; feels like you`ve got concrete in your gut).


Having to get up at 4am is never good with me. And this time, with the rain beating down like small watery hammers was no exception and filled my heart with disappointment. I don`t mind the rain. Being British means we have a certain affintity with it. But Japanese rain is ruthless. And I didn`t want it to "dampen" my time with Shiori.

However, we set off for the Takamatsu-Kobe ferry.

Shiori is a good driver, which given that most drivers in Japan are bloody lethal is quite the compliment. However she is also pretty hilarious, as she shouts and curses at fellow road users. I don`t want to embarress her by putting up what she actually said, but lets just say it would make a funny TV show.

The Takamatsu-Kobe ferry was empty, apart from us and this fat,dreadlocked American guy in a white suit, who I decided was either a pimp or someone who worked in Music.
The ferry ride itself took 3 and 1/2 hours and Shiori slept for 3 hours and 10 minutes of this...bless her. I slept a little, wandered around and tried to keep my mind off my dislike of boats.

After arriving in Kobe we took a bus then a train to USJ, and dumped our suitcase in our hotel, which I have to say is the best I have ever stayed in. We were on the 28th floor with a wonderful view of the river and Osaka, despite the rain.


Even though it was raining heavily, it was still pretty busy at Universal Studios. However, I was determined to have a good time, and soon got into the "swing" of things, when me and Shiori purchased a Spiderman holder for our tickets, which I wore around my neck.

After bumping into Elmo and Bert from Sesame Street, and walking down New York styled streets, we came to our first ride; a 3-d Spiderman adventure. It was pretty cool, with Shiori grabbing my arm tightly for most of it.

We also went to Back to the Future, Jaws, a mightly impressive Waterworld (the Kevin Costner movie) show and the Jurassic Park Ride which is a water ride so we both got pretty wet.

In between all this we stopped in an Irish themed pub/resturant for lunch and had green beer, fish and chips and Shepperds pie.

In the evening for dinner we went to the Hard Rock Cafe,where the food was delicious but in massive American portions and Shiori got to keep the cocktail glass that her drink came in.

Friday and Kobe

Saying goodbye to our wonderful hotel, we headed back into Kobe and dumped our baggage in a locker. Kobe is a really beautiful city, and Shiori told me that it`s famous for shoes. I ended up buying a pair of leather shoes for work that cost me only 2,100 yen (about 10 pounds)...

Kobe is also famous for beef, where apparently they feed the cows beer and massage them. For lunch we went to a small place, where the usual price is 2,600 yen for a meal of salad, soup and beef and vegetables. However we only paid 900 yen, because of a special lunch time deal and it is the best beef I have ever eaten....

After that we did some shopping (mainly window), before we caught the ferry back at 7:30.


After all the travelling Saturday was a quiet day for us and I want to mention 2 things. Firstly we went to a Sushi Bar for lunch. It was my first time and its cool to see all the revolving dishes in front of you. I ate tuna, shrimp and for the first time, grilled eel (which was ok).

Secondly, I guess hanging out in the rain and the Japanese humidity caused me to get sick, which kinda put a bad ending on a wonderful holiday.

BUT I had a FANTASTIC time and want to say a BIG thank you to Shiori. xxxxx

(I will put the photo`s up soon)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

To Shiori and back

So I returned home yesterday, after spending 3 days in the company of my new girlfriend, Shiori, down on Shikoku. I had a fantastic time and it's amazing to be given such an opportunity to get to know someone like her and spend time in her company.

Anyway please enjoy my journey to Shiori and back...


Now as an avid user of the "fabulous" services of the UK's own National Express, I was in a positive frame of mind about catching the bus to Takamatsu. Its cheaper than the Shinkansen and Shiori had even reserved me a ticket. (What a star!xx).

Finding the Travel Agents in Hiroshima station proved to be a minor hassle, but this was nothing with the gargantuan pain in the arse that lay ahead...finding the bus stop. Firstly its about a 10 minute walk from one side of the station to the other, so imagine my frustration when I was unable to find the stop.

With time running out on me like sand in a sieve, I asked a lady who worked in a sweet shop. She wittered on in Japanese (I'm guessing something about crazy, ugly foriegners that bother her from her Shidoku puzzle) and made me stand by two bemused, elderly Japanese ladies. In the end this old, homeless looking guy came up and helped me out. He spoke in broken English and even though I told him in Japanese that I was a teacher, he kept thinking I was in the army...

As the bus turned up I gave him my lunch (a tuna sandwich) and climbed on board. He waited there until the bus pulled out, waving me off like my long lost Uncle...

The trip took 3 hours, but crossing the famous Seto Ohashi bridge, the longest in the world, was really amazing.


Shiori collected me , and after a kiss (he he) we went and had dinner at a really nice chicken restaurant, where the meat just fell off the bone and melted in my mouth.

Then onto my hotel. I only stayed here one night, because Shiori's Mum, arrived home from China and didn't want to me to see her "tired face". I obviously obligied, and the hotel was cool and pretty cheap.

I had a bath in my micro-bath (it felt like I was a child again, in the sink), watched a little TV, read and waited for Shiori to return.

Shiori had to work the next day, so this left me from 10ish until 530 ish with the whole day in the City. Shiori had lent me a bike, so soon enough I was whizzing around the streets like a Gaijin typhoon.

The City has one the best and longest shopping (or shoppig as my map informed me) arcades in this part of Japan. After looking in shops and buying two t-shirts (I changed twice that day, because it was sooooooooo hot and humid), I met Shiori for a Ramen lunch. Then after eating a delicious bowl of noodles, sped on down to Ritsurin park...(see the photos below).

Its a beautiful place, with two gardens taking over two hours between them to walk around...


On Thursday, me and Shiori spent the day together. We ate Udon (Kagowa prefecture is famous for Udon noodles); had our photos taken in this large booth, where you can alter and write on the images before collecting them in sticker form; and went to Gold Tower in Utazu, where we went bowling (I lost...), played video games and sang Karaoke all for 1000 yen...

For dinner we drove into the mountains and she took me to a smallish Gyoza resturant run by a Chinese guy...As the Japanese say...Oishi!


I had the pleasure of meeting Shiori's mum, who speaks very little English...but she is really funny and sweet and gave me some slippers from her Chinese trip.


I decided to stay an extra night and come home on Friday,as I didnt start work until 1:20. Getting and 8:37 train left me with no problems...however I got on the wrong train and ended up in the middle of the countryside.

Shiori was a star here and spoke via my cellphone to the train driver who gave me the best route to get home. In the end I made it and was in work by 12:50...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Water Lillies...

Water Lillies...
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.


Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Rocks representing Buddhist pilgrims

Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Terrance Mallick shot #2

Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Beautiful Bridge

Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Tea House seen through the leaves

Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Sea of Green

Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.


Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Goodbye Mr. Turtle

Goodbye Mr. Turtle
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Killer Carp

Killer Carp
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Giant Bonsai - (An Eagle on a Turtles back)

Pine trees

Pine trees
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Folkcraft Museum at Ritsurin Park

Ritsurin Park

Ritsurin Park
Originally uploaded by renegadese7en.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy 7th Wedding Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Bisset

Well done guys!

So, my lovely sister, Kelly and her great husband, Grant have made it to 7 years in their marriage. They are a great couple with two wonderful young sons, and I hope that they are together for many more years.



Thursday, July 06, 2006

Genki Times - Part II

Here is a photo of my new "special friend", Shiori.

I just wanted to share this with you and to tell you how positive she makes me feel. I have been hurt enough times to be sceptical regarding that one special person. To be honest I thought it was just some illusion I had believed in to justify my inability with the opposite sex.

But maybe I was wrong...

Keep on smiling, 'cos there is always something good in your life even if you can't feel it everyday. Take care of the ones you love...I know I will...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Genki Times

So its funny how life can turn upside down in an instant. You order cod and chips but end up with scampi, mushy peas and a can of cola. You go to see Leyton Orient and their endless array of workmanlike heroes and end up at Old Trafford watching Manchester United.

Life can change suddenly. Sometimes for the worst. Sometimes for the best. And it usually happens when you least expect it.

When its for the worst its like you've just developed Gout, IBS, Varicose veins and Alopecia in the space of 10 minutes. Nothing makes sense. Its like your gut has just been pummelled by Giant Haystacks (if you don't know who Giant Haystacks is, please go and ask someone over 28, who remembers when Wrestling was an Saturday afternoon staple on ITV).

Genki is the Japanese word for happy (or something similar). It means you feel good. So as you can guess, some very positive things have happened to me recently.

Firstly, I have finally met someone. YAY!!! She is really special (and I don't want to talk too much about my feelings for her on my blog, just yet, because its personal)and I went to visit her at the weekend. Her name is Shiori, she's 26 and has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She lives about 2 hours away on Shikoku, and I have to be honest and say that I've never met anyone who could understand me so quickly. We communicate as often as possible, via email and phone, and I am planning to visit her again next week.

Secondly I am now the Kids Co-Ordinator at my branch. YAY #2!!! This means a little more responsibility for me every Month. The Kids at our branch are all really nice (save maybe 2 or 3), and I'm looking forward to giving it my best shot.