Thoughts, Snow, Japanese girls and I'm coming home to Blighty!

So this is the last post before I fly back to England for Christmas with my family. I am looking forward to seeing everyone, and being back in the warmth that only family can provide. I just hope my journey home will be easier than the difficulty I had this week!
Well, I went into Hiroshima city on Thursday to do my Christmas shopping, and what a pain in the arse that was...Anyway, Evan mentions to me, when I got back that I need a re-entry stamp in my passport otherwise they won't let me back into Japan.
So before work on Friday I had to traipse back into the city, and travel to the Adminstration buildings. This in itself proved to be harder than even I expected. A myriad of 12 storey interconnected concrete monsters. Luckily I managed to get all this done and return to Saijo in time for work.
I will miss Japan for the two weeks I am away, but I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family again...oh and growing a Obi Wan Kenobi style beard (NOVA rule #121 No facial stubble)...ha ha ha.
Snow. We've had shitloads. And its bloody cold. On Saturday night we maybe had about 6 or 8 inches of the stuff. Great!
We also had a party here on Saturday. Me, Evan and 13 Japanese people. It was great. Plus I got the number of a cute Japanese girl...can't be bad.
Anyway peeps! See on the otherside of the world very soon!