Blackholes and Revelations

It's been a mixed week. My emotions have been all over the place. For the very reason that I wanted to keep this blog Japan based and veer away from other things I may want to talk about I have created a new blog.
It is for stuff that doesn't really fit in with the spirit of TGJA, and may be a bit more personal or irrelevant. But it is stuff that needs to be written down. Well I think so anyway.
My parents should have been in Japan yesterday, but due to unforeseen circumstances they had to cancel. These events have meant that I have to travel home next week (Monday 14th) to see them.
Sorry, for being so secretive about this, but if I will leave those personal thoughts for the Ninja.
Secondly, I got promoted to the AT position and will take up the role offically on the 1st of June. It's been a long process, but my AAM had some positive things to say about me in my final report so that was a needed boost.
For those of you in the UK, see you on the flip side.