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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Blackholes and Revelations

It's been a mixed week. My emotions have been all over the place. For the very reason that I wanted to keep this blog Japan based and veer away from other things I may want to talk about I have created a new blog.

It is for stuff that doesn't really fit in with the spirit of TGJA, and may be a bit more personal or irrelevant. But it is stuff that needs to be written down. Well I think so anyway.

My parents should have been in Japan yesterday, but due to unforeseen circumstances they had to cancel. These events have meant that I have to travel home next week (Monday 14th) to see them.

Sorry, for being so secretive about this, but if I will leave those personal thoughts for the Ninja.

Secondly, I got promoted to the AT position and will take up the role offically on the 1st of June. It's been a long process, but my AAM had some positive things to say about me in my final report so that was a needed boost.

For those of you in the UK, see you on the flip side.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wakayama pics!

Again I've been rather lax with the upkeep of this blog, but here are some of the pics I took on my recent trip to Shirahama in Wakayama.