News from Saijo

Hey there avid readers of the "Great Japaneses Adventure". I hope that you are all doing well and that life is treating you kindly.
I thought I would post up what's being going on in my small world over the last week or so.
Ken, (for those of you who don't know Ken, he is a Japanese friend of mine and Evan's, and a good guy to boot) is in hospital over here. He claims it's to do with stress, but the poor guy has problems, so yesterday myself and Evan went into Hiroshima to visit him. We bought him some magazines and food, and he was happy to see us (even if he was a bit drugged up). He expects to be there for a few more weeks, however the good news is that he is moving to a different floor of the hospital which indicates an improvement...
My contract finishes up at the end of May. I can't believe I've been here nearly a year, it's gone so fast. Well, my decision is that I have decided to stay for another year. I guess it depends on what happens by I may be here for another full 12 months.
Jason, Jen and Suzette have all decided to leave. Jason will leave on June 1st (I guess he's homesick, and not being the centre of attention he's decided to skiddadled back to the States). Jen is leaving early to go to France and work. Suzette will work out the end of her contract, which expires in September.
It's hard for me and Evan. Not that I sad to see 'em go, but there will be new teachers, and extra work for me and him. BUGGER!
Karaoke and Lost Phone
We had another Karaoke party on Sunday. The biggest yet. Maybe 10 people turned up (and this was without the girls or the staff). Again we missed Ken, but myself and Evan sang a Metallica song in his honour.
I also left my mobile phone in the room afterwards and had to go back on Tuesday to collect it.
There should be some photo's, posted soon of another drunken singalong!
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