
Like Lazarus (pictured above) I am back from the bloggin dead.
Apologies for those who have checked this site regularly and found nothing but I needed a few weeks privacy with my thoughts, gather my collective mind and return feeling refreshed (although still bitter...wink wink)....
Holiday Hell
Well, firstly work has been insanely busy. Both Suzette and Jason returned to the States for a break at the same time (although not together....he he he). This has meant extra work for the staff left behind. Jen worked 15 days without a break, and I've just finished a 9 day stretch. Suzette only went home for a week and has been back for about 5 or 6 days. Of course because her break home was covered by shift swaps it means she now has to work an awful lot. 16 days I think...
Here's an amusing story about Jason, that highlights the kind of guy he is. Well, when he got to Kansai airport, he realised he left his passport back in Saijo! What an arse! I mean surely Passport, Tickets and Wallet take top priority when you have to take a flight! He had to cancel the flight, and come all the way back to Saijo, loosing a day of his break!
Gym bound
Yes, I have finally gotten around to joining NOAH, the local gym. I joined up last week, and have only been twice because of work and having a shitty cold and feeling shite. But I ran 1.5 km both times, 13 km on the bike and then did weights for 30 mins. I felt better afterwards.
They even have a pool, although my quest for trunks has been rather fruitless. I have found women's costumes, and I don't fancy looking like some reject from the WWE...
Another nice quirk from the Gym is how they spelt my name;
Jostin Richard Backley
Sayonnara Derrick
On Sunday, Derrick, the branch AT (kinda my boss), left NOVA after 3 years to teach at a private Kindergarten school in Kure. He will be missed, because he was such a laid back and neutral guy. He is still staying in Saijo, so it's not really goodbye, although there will be a huge vaccuum in work.
At his "Farewell Voice" on Sunday, 31 students turned up. It's a school record I think, and he recieved some lovely gifts.
I wonder if I will last as long as him ?
Myself and Derrick went for Okonomiyaki at the usual haunt on Saturday, and ended up at Karaoke until the wee hours with a fantastic group of Japanese guys and gal (yes, just one).
Drunken Shenanigans at Evan and Kaori's Housewarming
Well, Sunday night saw the above event take place. Much fun was had by yours truly, although for the first time in my illustrious affair with alcohol, I have fuzzy moments in my memory.
I remember Evan and Kaori being suprised that myself, and the girls had bought House warming gifts. I purchased a bottle of bubbly, 2 wine glasses and a set of towels....not very original I know, but hey I have been working lots...
I also remember talking to a group of really cute Japanese girls who worked with Kaori at JAL. Most of them left at around 9:30 ish, but I do recall talking most of the night with a really pretty girl called Shiho. After she left I was told she had a boyfriend...GOD DAMN IT! I think I have about as much luck as a stowaway on the Titanic.
I apparently was very mean to Suzette. Well she told me this, although I have no idea what I said, or why. Evan told me, he remembered her taking the piss quite viciously out of my accent, to which I said nothing. Ah well...
I didn't leave until around 4 ish I think...Evan passed out. And I spoke for about an hour with Kaori, (God knows what about though!) until I drunkenly rode my bike home.
Well folks, as the heading of this blog states in Japanese
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