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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A storm is coming

So, last night was party night here in flat 302 at Curail Watanabe. I guess maybe 23 people turned up, ranging from the Japanese NOVA staff to 3 of Kaori's friends to the NOVA teachers. Evan cooked a large vegetable curry, Kaori made a really good Pasta and ham dish, Jason made Jumbalaya and I bought crisps, nuts, etimame beans and dried squid (all great drinking snacks).

Ken, our eternally optimistic Japanese friend, got pissed on half a tin of beer. I kid you not. I've never seen anything like it. His face went bright red and he seemed more loud than usual. Plus I had some really nice gifts. Evan bought me a new game for the PS2 and made me a really cool CD of Canadian rock (no Bryan Adams!), Jason bought me a book, Ken got me some Japanese music, Derrick bought me a bottle of whisky and Kaori's friends who I have only met once before bought me a tatami cushion that's really comfy.

However, you always have to have one knob at a party. This happened around 9:30. Unable to read a perfectly good map I'd drawn for them, the new NOVA teachers turned up late. Now I don't have a problem with Suzette or Jen, but in tow they had one of Jen's friends. Now if I said "crazy, loud, psychotic sanky bint" that would be the mother of all understatements. Despite the "sank dance" (christened by Evan), she was very much an in your face kind of person. And in the end, I lost it with her. I was fired up on beer and Shochou (evil Japanese sake) and I don't even remember what she said. I think it had something to do with kids. Evan told me afterward that he thought it was great and that he was glad that someone ripped her a new one. I don't think I am an angry guy, and I don't make a habit of having a go at people, but man I felt like sticking a chopstick through my ears, as it would have been less painless than her.

Evan mentioned to me this morning that after that, she was holding my hand and stroking my arm. He even wanted to place a bet with Ken that myself and this girl would end up sleeping together. Mind you, with Jason as a witness, she did try to snog my face off in the our hallway. Being a gent and sane (only slighty), I politely declined and she left soon after. Man...if crazy is a person, I met her last night.

Anyway after everyone else left, myself, Derrick, Evan, and Jason couldn't stop laughing at Ken's idea for a porn movie. He started going on about "indie porn" and how he'd make a film called "World Premier" with us in it. Man, I haven't laughed that long for a while. The guy is a hoot.

Anyway, a typhoon is due in this part of Japan tomorrow. Should be fun!!!!


At 3:13 pm, Blogger L and occasionally N said...

happy birthday! party sounded awesome.

we're feeling the typhoon up here too, but crazily its a beautiful sunny day, we just have the winds. w-e-i-r-d....


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