New Kids!

Well, a new "term" of kids lessons started this week. It was sad to loose certain students, as they either left, moved to take regular lessons or moved up a year.
However saying that I have some of my old gang in the new lessons, some new kids and one old (cute) face I'm glad to see back (and she was glad that I was her teacher again!). We have new books, new flash cards and in general NOVA seem to have incorporated what myself and I guess many teachers were doing anyway.
So, now I teach 1 Chibi lesson (2-4), 2 Kinder lessons (4-6), 1 Junior (7-9) and 2 Senior(10-12). Its a nice balance and all of my kids are really cool and sweet.
That wierd pink think in the picture is the NOVA Usagi....I had a nightmare about it when I first saw it.
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