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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Angry Rant!


Why are people selfish ? Why do people ultimately disappoint ?

No this isn't another post where I moan about my lack of luck with the ladies (try saying that fast when drunk), but actually a bit of a bitch about certain individuals I work with. And lets just say that they are not male.

Firstly I was asked to do shift swaps with these certain individuals so that they could spend time together in Thailand on Holiday. Happy to oblige (?) I filled in the forms, and worked it out that I could have a five day weekend at the end of April; maybe visit Matsuyama and the famous Dogo onsen. All this was hunky dory. My dates were checked and I spoke to Jason about swapping a Friday with him because I was going away (all with in earshot of these "individuals").

However yesterday at 830ish I had a text from one of them saying that "she'd gotten the days wrong and had already decided to swap that day with Suzette". Bollocks...but hey mistakes do happen. Now maybe I am paranoid, but at 1030 I had ANOTHER text, this time from Suzette who said she'd made a mistake and couldn't swap the other day I wanted.

What the f*@k!

So suddenly I lost 2 days that they APPROVED in the space of two hours. Perhaps I am reading to much into it, and it's a genuine mistake, but I smell something fishy, and it's not Sushi.

My second bitch is about how these girls, one in particular, blatantly flaunt the rules. Now I am not a stickler for rules BUT I am keen on fairness. They have both got very friendly with the manager and Japanese staff, which is fine, but not if it gives them special privileges!

1. Nova teachers can't associate outside of school with students.

Now I agree this is a bloody stupid rule, and it's a kind of unwritten code at our branch that this is fine as long you keep it to yourself. However when you flaunt this in front of everyone, including the manager (who is laid back which is cool) it's just plain stupid! What if someone higher up the NOVA chain found out ? It pisses me off...I mean there are guys and girls at our school who I would hang out with, but I haven't (yet).

2. Dress code.

Now the dress code for work, well for women anyway is trousers or long skirt with a shirt/blouse with a collar. Not some strappy top thing. It's not a damn beauty pageant. And whats with wearing an overcoat into lesson ?

3. Teaching lessons.

Now I like chatting to my students, but they pay for a lesson. If they want random chat come to Voice. Not 40 minutes of a lesson, chatting about Gwen Steffani, Cats (the musical, not the animal) and men!

I am sorry if this sounds bitter, but its something I needed to RANT about!


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