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Friday, February 11, 2005

Sympathy Virus...virtually!

Feeling better today. Had the best night of sleep I have had in over a week. I am not sure if this was the antibiotics or the fatigue, but slept for about 13 hours. My infected face doesn't feel so swollen today, but I had the day off work to try and get over the infection.

Sadly my computer didn't fare much better. For a few weeks now, it has shown signs of being sick that I thought were just glitches in the machine. The only thing I could do for it in the end was to reboot my entire system, which in a way has proved to be a good thing, as "he" is now functioning pretty well, and it freed up some space on the memory for the Japan trip.

Thank God for my I-Pod which had saved most of my digitised music.

On the Japanese front, I had a letter from Nova today, which confirmed they had all the paperwork and would now help arrange my visa. Some good news then!!!!

Wierdly my Mum and Dad, have purchased a fax machine/phone which i suppose can only be beneficial to them and me <>....


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