Whats goin on ?

So, again I am not keeping this blog as up to date as I would like, but the lack of a computer and other things in my life have made it difficult to get online regularly.
Here it is as quiet as ever. Spring has snuck up on us here and made the days considerably warmer and more pleasant. Cherry Blossoms have begun to bloom, filling Japan with rose tinted beauty.
The downside to this is the return of my nemesis.
The Kagawa Mosquito.
Last year, on my trips to visit Shiori, I was like the local blood filled pub for these little bastards.
So far in about a week, I've gained about 5 bites...maybe I'll start a Mosquito bite blog....
Last weekend myself and Shiori hooked up with Jen (on of my co-workers) and her boyfriend, Paul, who works in Tadotsu. It was cool to get out and about again, even though I still miss my friend back in Saijo.
I am beginning to feel like an outsider at this school. Not living in the clique area of over priced NOVA accomodation and having made my intentions clear about applying for the AT position in my branch I have a feeling that I am being excluded. Maybe I am being paranoid, but its a little weird.
I have my AT interview scheduled for Monday, so fingers, toes and other bendy body parts crossed!!!!!
Um...what else...I am also into a cool Japanese TV show that Shiori has on DVD with English subtitles called Trick. Imagine a funky, actually funny Jonathan Creek with the strangeness of say, Spaced or the League of Gentlemen. It stars the lovely Yukie Nakama as a magician who with the help of an assistant Physics professor, try to prove that there is a trick behind every spiritualist. The chemistry between the two leads is great, the humour is clever as it jumps from slapstick to innuendo to black humour with ease.
Anyhoo, I am off to kill a mosquito thats circling me like a hungry vulture...
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