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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

NOVA teacher murdered

In the news over here is the sad and shocking story that a 22 year old NOVA teacher from Coventry, UK was found murdered in Tokyo yesterday.

From the BBC report -

A woman found buried in sand in a bathtub in Japan has been named by police as 22-year-old missing Briton Lindsay Ann Hawker.

Colleagues identified the body of the English teacher, from Brandon near Coventry, found on a fourth-floor flat balcony in Ichikawa, east of Tokyo.

The cause of death is not yet known but there were bruises on the victim's face, the BBC's Chris Hogg said.

Police are hunting a man who fled the apartment in Chiba prefecture.

The full story is here -


At 8:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Japanese name which killed Miss Lucy Blackman was Jouji Obara , and was the Japanse name.
However, nobody of his relative is a Japanese.
They are Korean without Japanese nationality altogether, and they are foreigners living in Japan.
It is not reported in Japan although it was reported by Britain that he was a former Korean resident in Japan.
What kind of thing is it?

In Japan, the Korean resident in Japan is disliked very much as a betrayer
owing to that of many wrongdoings of a postwar confusion term.
The wrongdoing was the homicide to Japanese people, brutal punishment, rape, pillage, and a burglar.
Therefore, in order that a Korean resident in Japan may live an advantageous life in Japan,
they give their's name in the Japan name,
and they hide the fact that they are Korean, from Japanese people.

He not only gives his name in Japanese people, but he only naturalized to Japan
in his relative so that it might be easy to court a woman.
Therefore, only he is a Korean Japanese uniquely in his relative.

Although there are few foreigners who are Chinese and Korean in Japan,
more overwhelmingly than Japanese people,they occupy the most number of crimes.
Since especially the Korean resident in Japan has given his name in the Japanese name,
the Japanese cannot distinguish that many of offenders are Koreans.
Because mass communications is received the threat by the violent organization of the Korean resident in Japan,
they cannot report the many crimes of Koreans.

Many Korean residents in Japan, who took advantage of the mess during wartime at the postwar period,
being not able to equal to discrimination in their native country,
dreameding of the rich life in Japan,and have stolen passage illegally.
However, owing to many wrongdoings of their postwar period,
Japanese people detested them and came to avoid them.
And they came to be eliminated from the Japanese society which revived.
As a confrontation means of the exclusion, Koreans began to advertize a lie
called compulsive taking by the Japanese army using media.

Like U.S. mass communications being the Judea rule,
many Korean residents in Japan turned into Japanese people,
cleared up and lost also in mass communications of Japan, and they rule over.
Therefore, the wrongdoing about a Korean resident in Japan will be concealed,
and Japanese will be brainwashed with that many wrongdoings are a Japanese own cause.

The most Korean in whom had participated as a Japanese soldier those days, performed the cruel act
which the Japanese army performed to the prisoner of war at the Second World War.
The people of Hong Kong of those days know that enough, and do not still forget it.

In Japan, Korean residents in Japan deluded Japanese people with circulating a lie,
got all privilege and preferential treatment, and became a privileged-people person.
Even their poor and needy are secured a minimum-life and rate of their wealthy,
overwhelmingly larger than that Japanese.
Though Korean residents in Japan is the wealthy of privileged people,
he is the party who continues committing a cruel criminal act as usual in Japan.

The women who are prostituting themselves by calling "I am a Zapanese "
in the advanced nations in the world, are South Korean emigration prostitutes.
If they clear up as a Japanese people, it is easy to take a custmor.
This is the conspicuous feature of Koreans .
They hidding the fact that he is a Korean, they clears up as a Japanese,
gain profits and they make all their wrongdoings the cause to Japanese people.

However, since the political power center governed by the religious body (= Soka Gakkai)
of sponsored by Korean-resident-in-Japan management,
Japanese people must be governed by a few Korean resident in Japan.
This is similar with the composition that Americans are governed by a small number of Jew.

Lindsey Ann Hawker was the teacher of the English-conversation school "NOVA".
this school is very infamous and managed by investment of the major money lending business companies
"Takefuji" of Korean-resident-in-Japan management.


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