The Japanese LOVE beer. Which makes life somewhat difficult for me when I am in the supermarket or convenience store deciding what golden brew to purchase.
The main brewers are Kirin, Asahi, Sapporo, Suntory and Orion. I have included some links to their official sites below.
I think that Kirin is my favourite and has a large selection of different beers, lagers and malts.
Japanese breweries also produce beer for different seasons, so it is common to see Autumn, Winter and Hanami brews.
Taken from Wikipedia-
Japanese beer had its start during the Edo Period when the Dutch opened beer halls for the sailors who worked on the trade route between Japan and the Dutch Empire. Japanese-style commercial brewing has been exported to much of southeast Asia and factories are spread throughout the world.
Beer is the most favoured alcoholic drink in Japan. It was introduced in the early Meiji period from Germany. Major makers are Asahi, Kirin, and Sapporo while small local breweries supply distinct tasting beers. Lager beers are most common but beers made with lower grain contents called "Happoushu" (low malt beer, sparkling alcoholic drink) have captured a large part of the market as tax is lower on these products. Drinking beer with salted boiled beans, edamame, is known as a favourite summer pastime for adults.
Also, check out -
This has some history and facts about Japanese beer!!!
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