Now I'm 30...Dear God!...Hold it's not that bad!

After all the fear of the big three, zero, it comes down to it that I feel exactly the same as I did when I was 29. The same fears and hopes. Exactly the same. No big revelation. No sudden onset of arthritus and gray hair.
The only thing thats changed is that when people ask me my age and I tell them, they look at me slightly incrediously. "30?". "Really?".
Anyway, we had a party on Sunday for my birthday at my appartment. Shiori made the long trip (bless her) and also cooked a delicious Kimchi Nabe. Food was plentiful, and it's kept myself, Matt and Jimmy going so far this week. I must thank everyone who turned up and thanks for all the really cool gifts.
After the party we all went bowling, which was hilarious, especially as Evan, the star on our team on the first game went from hero to zero due to copious amounts of alcohol!
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