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Saturday, April 29, 2006

What have I been up to ?

Well its been a while since I posted something about me and my state of mind, so I'd thought I'd stick up a post for your perusal.

I am fine. Life in Japan has turned warmer, as the first fingers of Summer have begun to claw away the early Spring freshness. Not that I'm a huge fan of Summer. Give me a life of snow, gentle breezes and moderate temperature and I'm a happy camper.

Well, I had my one year observation with my area manager, Dean, about 2 weeks ago. It went so much better than I'd could have expected, and was even told I should apply for a vacant AT position (thats the head teacher at the school). I have decided not to apply, after Evan finally expressed an interest. He is my friend, has been here for three years and deserves something.

I met some new teachers on Tuesday night in Hiroshima. Two were from Australia and one lass was from Manchester! It was their training week...brings back memories...has it really been a year ?

Anyway I hope you are enjoying this blog...PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!...


At 7:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manchester eh, cool!


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