My name is Justin Buckley. People I work with are celebrating me leaving my job. My family may be involved.
This is the longest day of my life...
Actually I have 1 hour and 58 minutes to go. The day so far has been very nice, with the office decorated with pictures of me (ewww!) from a baby onwards. Suffice to say there are some fairly embarresing ones.
I will be sad to leave this truly great group of people. We are all out for a meal tonight, and then that is it. Well, if things go as well as I hope! Ha Ha.
The job has only ever been just that. A job. It has paid the bills, and taken up a large portion of the last 5 years, but I won't be sorry to see the back of prepping notes about pus filled bottoms!
Ah, well 1 hour and 53 minutes to go!
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